What is it?
ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the screen industries – film, television (including children’s, unscripted and high-end), VFX (visual effects), animation and games.
ScreenSkills is supporting economic recovery and future innovation and growth across the whole of the UK by investing in the skilled and inclusive workforce who are critical to the global success of the screen sector.
They are funded by industry contributions to the Skills Funds and with National Lottery funds awarded by the BFI as part of its Future Film Skills strategy to help people get into the industry and progress within it.
Their work includes:
- Identifying skills gaps and shortages – current and future – across the screen industries and the whole of the country to provide an evidence base for investment in skills and training;
- Providing careers information;
- Mapping and quality-marking professional pathways to improve entry-level diversity and work readiness, including apprenticeships and ScreenSkills Select which identifies college and university courses relevant to a career in screen; and
- Supporting development at every stage of a professional career in screen including through mentoring and offering bursaries.
For more information, visit