Boosting Our Economy - Celebrating Our Culture - Enhancing Our Children's Education

Boosting Our Economy - Celebrating Our Culture - Enhancing Our Children's Education


BFI Network

The BFI NETWORK is a UK-wide talent development programme for new and emerging film writers, directors and producers. The programme, devised by the BFI, is delivered by its national partners Creative Scotland, Film Cymru Wales and Northern Ireland Screen alongside the Film Hubs operating in English regions. The BFI Network is committed to discovering the next generation of British filmmaking talent.

The BFI Network website and post room can be accessed here.


Insight Producer’s Toolkit

The Insight Producer’s Toolkit is a resource of recordings, helpful advice and useful links; all delivered in bitesize digestible chunks.

Inspired by the Insight producer programme, the toolkit includes covering important stages of the filmmaking process including the various areas of film business, industry well-being and the evolving trends within the independent sector.

Whether you are venturing into new areas of content creation, need a reminder in moments of uncertainty, or require a nudge in the right direction the Toolkit should provide you with the resource you need.

Download the Insight Producers Toolkit here. 

Find out more. 


BFI Network Activity in Northern Ireland:

Short Film Call

The Short Film Call is operated an a bi-annual basis and is open to new and emerging filmmakers to apply at either individual or company level.

New Shorts Focus

New Shorts Focus is a scheme open to underrepresented filmmakers working in the local industry. Six writers undertake a period of development with the guidance of a script editor to work on their projects. At the end of the development period up to four projects are chosen to go into development.

Creative Animation

The Aim of the Creative Animation programme is to enable junior animators to create IP and work on a short film in a directing capacity with the guidance of an animation studio.

Further information on each of these Schemes can be found here.

London Readings

Table reads of feature films in development are held in London on a regular basis. The table reads are organised by our Development Executive.

New Writer Focus

New Writer Focus is open to writers who are new to feature film and long-form dramas. Northern Ireland Screen select four of the submitted scripts for development each year. We look for compelling stories with a unique or fresh perspective, ambitious authored voices and a range of art-house and commercial stories.

Breaking In

The New Writer Focus and New Shorts Focus participants are currently being mentored by local industry professionals during the production of their films.

Northern Ireland Talent Showcase

Northern Ireland Screen hosts an annual showcase of short film content and also screens the latest New Writer Focus film. The showcase is an opportunity to screen the latest work of new and emerging talent from the region.

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