TG4 Series tells the stories of Ireland’s most iconic provincial GAA grounds in Pobail na Páirce

Date Posted: September 16, 2024
TG4 Thursdays from 19th September 2024 9.30pm
Check out a preview here:
Pobail na Páirce, a four-part series for TG4, tells the stories of Ireland’s most iconic and revered provincial GAA grounds. Spending a day in the life of historic stadiums across the four provinces of Ireland on their biggest matchdays of the year, this series reveals the incredible logistics required to make GAA matches happen, the history of these magnificent amphitheaters, and the importance of these places in our lives, today.
Produced by Below the Radar TV, with support from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund, Pobail na Páirce will broadcast on TG4 weekly, starting September 19th at 9.30pm.
Over four weeks Pobail na Páirce journeys across the country, pulling back the curtain on these homes of GAA to explore how these sports grounds are so much more than bricks and mortar; they have become the beating heart of our provinces. From the birthplace of GAA in Thurles’ Semple Stadium for the Munster Hurling Final, to the historic site for women’s sport in Navan’s Páirc Tailteann as the Meath ladies football team clash with Dublin. And from the home of the Ulster Final in Clones’ St Tiarnachs Park during the fierce Ulster Championship to the beating heart of Galway GAA in Pearse Stadium for the Senior Club Hurling Final.
Along the way learning all about the past, present and future of these revered stadiums from some of the figures whose greatest sporting moments occurred on these same pitches. Whether they were central in the origins of the GAA, the leaps and bounds made by ladies’ sport in Ireland, bringing Ulster GAA together or maintaining the spirit of the GAA at a club level, each stadium has a story to tell.
Pobail na Páirce – sraith TG4 atá dírithe ar na scéalta taobh thiar de na páirceanna peile is aitheanta de chuid an CLG
TG4 Gach Déardaoin ón 19 Meán Fómhair 2024 9.30i.n.
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Sraith nua ceithre chlár do TG4 é Pobail na Páirce, sraith ina n-insítear scéal cuid de na páirceanna CLG is iomráití agus is gradamaí in Éirinn. Caitheann an tsraith lá i saol na bpáirceanna stairiúla seo ar fud cheithre chúige na hÉireann, agus sin ag na cluichí is mó sa bhliain. Léiríonn an tsraith seo an oiread oibre sa chúlra a bhíonn i gceist lá na gcluichí móra CLG, pléitear stair na n-amfaitéatar mór seo, agus an tábhacht atá ag na háiteanna seo inár saol sa lá atá inniu ann.
Is é Below the Radar TV a léirigh an tsraith, le tacaíocht ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann, agus craolfar Pobail na Páirce ar TG4 gach seachtain ón 19 Meán Fómhair ar 9.30i.n.
Turas ceithre seachtaine ar fud na tíre é Pobail na Páirce, ina n-insítear scéal na bpáirceanna ríthábhachtacha seo i saol CLG agus a léiríonn go bhfuil i bhfad níos mó i gceist leo ná ballaí fuara loma; is iad cuisle na gcúigí iad. Ó Dhurlas Éile, an áit ar bunaíodh CLG, bí linn ag Staid Semple do chluiche ceannais na Mumhan, go suíomh stairiúil spórt na mban i bPáirc Tailteann san Uaimh, áit a dtugann foireann ban na Mí aghaidh ar Bhaile Átha Cliath. Agus ó sheanbhaile Chluiche Ceannais Uladh i bPáirc Naomh Tiarnach ag craobh fhíochmhar Uladh go cuisle CLG na Gaillimhe i Staid an Phiarsaigh do Chluiche Ceannais Sinsir Iomána na gClubanna.
Tá a scéal féin le hinsint ag gach páirc: bíodh sin an tslí a raibh siad lárnach i mbunú CLG, an dul chun cinn ollmhór atá déanta ag spórt na mban in Éirinn, CLG Uladh a thabhairt le chéile nó spiorad CLG a choinneáil ag dul ar leibhéal an chlub.