Writing the One Pager seminar

Date Posted: April 14, 2023
Writing the One Pager seminar is prep assistance for our New Writer Focus 2023-24 scheme led by Mary Kate O Flannigan on Monday 24th April at 12pm – 2pm via Zoom.
It is vital to be able to communicate your story in a clear and compelling one-page document.
Your investors and potential collaborators need to see that you understand the architecture of your story and can convey its essence in one page. Writing the one-pager will also make you stronger at pitching in all circumstances.
However, after you have written an entire screenplay it can be difficult to distil it back into one page.
Learn how to do this in a two-hour seminar with Mary Kate O Flanagan.
Mary Kate is an award-winning writer and story consultant for the film and television industry. She designs and delivers training in Storytelling On The Screen internationally as well as in her native Ireland.
With her sister Rachel O’Flanagan, she runs a story consultancy. They are particularly interested in the how the stories people tell shape their cultures. You can see more about their work on www.adramaticimprovement.com.
To RSVP please email Shaun Miller at [email protected].
*New Writer Focus deadline is Sunday 25th June. Please see website for details.