ScreenSkills National Occupational Standards review workshops

Date Posted: September 24, 2021
Each year, ScreenSkills reviews and updates existing national occupational standards (NOS). NOS are statements of what someone needs ‘to do’ and ‘to know’ to perform a job role. These standards are used to underpin apprenticeships and help to guide the development of courses at all levels; as well as being a resource for industry to support recruitment and management activities across the UK.
This year ScreenSkills is inviting industry professionals to participate in workshops to help determine which skills and knowledge are required to work in job roles relating to the following areas: props, production design, armoury, stagehands, broadcast engineering and cultural heritage.
This is your chance to participate and share your views on skills and knowledge needed to successfully work in job roles in the above areas. The workshops will be held remotely via Zoom.
These are not training courses and are an opportunity for you to share best practice with industry colleagues.
Workshop dates and times are:
- Broadcast Engineering UK wide – Wednesday 6th October at 1-3pm
- Props NI – Thursday 7th October at 4-5:30pmpm
- Armoury NI – Thursday 12th October at 3-4:30pm
- Cultural Heritage NI – Thursday 12th October at 11am-1pm
- Stage Hands NI – Thursday 14th October at 10-11:30am
To register please email [email protected].