Movie Magic scheduling for HETV training
Date Posted: March 27, 2023
ScreenSkills in collaboration with Sgil Cymru, Grand Scheme Media and Addie Orfila Training is offering Movie Magic scheduling for HETV training on Wednesday 21st June in Belfast.
The training is open to people already in the industry who are working or moving over to work in HETV as production managers, ADs, production accountants and line producers but who have yet to get to grips with Movie Magic software.
Trainees will be given access to Movie Magic training licenses and subscriptions and will need to install the relevant Movie Magic software on a laptop which should be brought to the training session.
The training will cover:
- overview of Movie Magic scheduling
- importing the script into MMS
- breaking down a script into key elements
- practical experience using Movie Magic to create breakdowns
- reports within MMS and how they aide the production
- overview of other scheduling tools e.g. Studio Binder, Scenechronize
Apply by Wednesday 7th June. Click here for more information.