Crossroads 2 mentoring programme

Date Posted: May 21, 2021
Due to the huge success of DV Talent‘s first round of Crossroads, the programme is back for a second intake.
Funded by Screenskills and delivered by DV Talent, in collaboration with The Talent Manager, this free scheme will give successful applicants the opportunity to have regular, confidential, one-on-one sessions with an experienced industry mentor over a 6–month period.
The Crossroads Mentoring Programme is aimed at people who have at least 2 years’ professional experience in the screen industries, and who are facing a particular challenge in their career.
- Are you at a crossroads in your career?
- Are you returning from a career break or looking to raise your profile or widen your industry network?
- Are you facing a specific challenge preventing you taking the next step or progressing?
- Are you looking to raise your profile or widen your industry networks?
- Are you returning after a break?
- Considering a career change?
If you answered ‘Yes!’ to any of the above, then the Crossroads Mentoring Programme could be the answer you’ve been looking for.
To apply, candidates need to:
- have at least 2-3 years professional industry experience
- be at a crossroads in their career
- be able to nominate 3 ideal mentors
Fatima Salaria, MD of Naked, Quicksilver boss Eamonn Matthews, Lisa Holdsworth, All Creatures Great and Small writer and chair of the Writers Guild of GB, BBC3 commissioner editor Nasfim Haque, Man on Wire editor Jinx Godfrey and Sherlock DoP Neville Kidd are just some of those who are mentoring as part of the Crossroads Mentoring Programme.
“Navigating a career in the TV and film industry can be really challenging,’’ said Matt Born, the programme director. “Whether you’re trying to step up a grade, move genre, returning from a career break, raise your profile, or simply trying to get your focus and confidence, having a mentor who has a holistic view of the industry – and can be a guide – is invaluable.
“We’re incredibly grateful to all our mentors who are giving their time, expertise and experience to help others coming through to try and reach their potential.’’
Jane Saunders, ScreenSkills mentoring programme manager said: “Mentoring is a brilliant way of helping support people and can be invaluable for those at a crossroads in their career. We are pleased to be supporting this initiative and hope this will be of particular help to those from groups who are currently not well represented in the screen industries.”
The scheme welcomes applications from all genres/sectors in the industry and is particularly keen to recruit delegates from the nations and regions, and underrepresented groups.
Deadline for applications – Wednesday 2nd June
Please click HERE to apply.