Saolta ’s Gaolta Returns

Date Posted: February 16, 2024
Monday 19 February
BBC Two Northern Ireland, 10pm
Also on BBC iPlayer
Saolta ’s Gaolta returns for a second series and takes a nostalgic look at the lives and experiences of families and friends, celebrating the shared memories they have accumulated along the way.This three-part series made for BBC Gaeilge by Triplevision Productions, with support from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund, starts on Monday 19 February at 10pm on BBC Two Northern Ireland and BBC iPlayer.
From their first day at school to a first kiss and first céilí, no stone will be left unturned as we discover what really makes them tick.
In each episode these stories are brought to life with family photos and archive footage in a heart-warming series that celebrates the lighter side of life.
Brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, parents, children and life-long friends share their most entertaining stories of growing up together, from who the favourite child was to memorable Christmas celebrations. They reflect on lives well-lived and loves lost and gained, all from the comfort of their own sofas.
Saolta ’s Gaolta
Dé Luain 19 Feabhra
BBC Two Northern Ireland, 10 i.n.
Filleann Saolta ’s Gaolta don dara sraith le súil úr chumhach ar eachtraí saoil ár gcairde gaoil agus iad ar bhóithrín na smaointe le chéile.
Tosaíonn an tsraith trí chuid seo, atá léirithe ag Triplevision Productions do BBC Gaeilge le maoiniú ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge Scáileáin Thuaisceart Éireann, Dé Luain an 19 Feabhra ag 10 i.n. ar BBC Two Northern Ireland agus ar BBC iPlayer.
Ó chéad lá scoile s’acu, go dtí an chéad phóg agus an chéad chéilí, cuardaíonn muid an dóigh lena mianta is mó a nochtadh.
I ngach eagrán, cuireann grianghraif theaghlaigh agus scannáin chartlainne beocht sna scéalta seo, rud a chruthaíonn sraith aoibhinn chroíúil faoi dhea-chraic an tsaoil.
Roinneann deartháireacha, deirfiúracha, fir chéile, mná céile, tuismitheoirí, páistí agus cairde saoil na scéalta is mó spraoi óna saolta ag fás aníos le chéile – ó shúilín óir na dtuistí go ceiliúrtha Nollag na gcéadta bliain. Déanann siad a machnamh ar shaolta dea-chaite, ar shearca a cailleadh agus searca a buadh, uilig ó tholgtha só a dtinteán féin.