Pogrom Bhéal Feiriste-New TG4 documentary

Date Posted: November 27, 2024
TG4 Wednesday 4th December 9.30pm
This TG4 programme by Clean Slate Television tells the story of a book banned over 100 years ago.
A new documentary from Clean Slate Television tells the story of a book written in 1922 that was deemed too dangerous to publish.
After violence broke out in Belfast in 1920 a Catholic priest, Fr John Hassan, who was based in St Mary’s in Chapel Lane, began to collect accounts of what he witnessed and was reported to him.
By 1922, the Southern Government was planning to publish Father Hassan’s report in a book, Facts and Figures of the Belfast Pogrom 1920-1922, under the pen name G. B. Kenna. Yet not long before it was published, the Civil War broke out, and the Free State Government adopted a peace policy towards the Northern Government. The book was ordered to be pulped. Only 18 copies of the book survived. It was almost lost forever until one of the surviving copies was found in the 1990s.
This programme explores the violence in Belfast at the time of partition, the political backdrop in which these events occurred, and how the lines of segregation established in the 1920s remained for many decades.
Pogrom Bhéal Feirste which will air on TG4 on Wednesday 4th December at 9.30pm on TG4 was produced by Clean Slate Television with support from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund.
Pogrom Bhéal Feirste
Dé Céadaoin an 4 Nollaig ag 9.30pm
YouTube : https://youtu.be/oygwR7FIb3Y
Insítear scéal faoi leabhar a scríobhadh sa bhliain 1922 a measadh a bheith róchontúirteach le foilsiú i gclár faisnéise úr ó Clean Slate Television.
Nuair a thosaigh tréimhse fhoréigneach i mBéal Feirste sa bhliain 1920 bheartaigh an tAthair Hassan, sagart Caitliceach a bhí lonnaithe i Séipéal Naomh Muire i Lána an tSéipéil, cuntas a choinneáil ar a bhí feicthe aige agus ar ar tuairiscíodh dó le linn an ama sin.
Bhí sé beartaithe ag an rialtas sa deisceart tuairiscí an Athar Hassan a fhoilsiú i leabhar faoin mbliain 1922. Facts and Figures of the Belfast Pogrom 1920 -1922 an teideal a bhí ar an leabhar a bhí le foilsiú faoin ainm cleite G. B. Kenna. Thosaigh an Cogadh Cathartha thart ar an am céanna a raibh sé beartaithe an leabhar a fhoilsiú, agus mar sin cuireadh foilsiú an leabhair ar ceall. Níor mhair ach 18 gcóip den leabhar. Bhí sé ligthe i ndearmad ar fad go dtí gur thángthas ar chóip sna 1990idí.
Scrúdaítear an foréigean a thosaigh i mBéal Feirste sa chlár faisnéise seo mar aon leis an gcomhthéacs polaitiúil a bhí ag dul ar aghaidh sa chúlra agus mar a mhair an deighilt a bunaíodh sna 1920idí ar feadh blianta fada.
Craolfar Pogrom Bhéal Feirste, arna léiriú ag Clean Slate Television le maoiniú ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann, ar TG4 ag 9.30pm ar an 4 Nollag.