New ILBF series showcases Dungiven Castle Irish Language school

Date Posted: February 8, 2018
Daltaí an Chaisleáin, a new series from BBC Gaeilge, celebrates the people who transformed Dungiven Castle into a modern-day school. The four-part series, which received funding from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund, broadcasts on BBC Two Northern Ireland on Monday 12 February at 10pm.
For 500 years Dungiven Castle has stood at the foot of the Sperrin Mountains. Over the years, this ancestral home of the O’Cahan clan has had many incarnations, including a home for the US Army during World War II, a dance and music venue in the 1950s and 1960s (playing host to Tom Jones and Engelbert Humperdinck, amongst others) and until 2014, a boutique hotel.
Now, thanks to a passionate local community and determined voluntary committee, this atmospheric building has been transformed into Gaelcholáiste Dhoire – the first standalone rural Irish language post-primary school in Northern Ireland.
We meet the local people behind the transformation, the dedicated headmaster and his staff, and also the students who are delighted with their quirky new school, which some refer to affectionately as’ Hogwarts’.
The first programme in the series gives an insight into the day-to-day running of Gaelcholáiste Dhoire, as well as students’ social and home lives.
We meet Ferdia the farmer who loves looking after his rare breed of cattle, Sé Óg the up-and-coming Irish champion karting driver, and Erin the talented young harpist.
In programme two, we meet ‘new’ student Ruairí who gets involved with the debating team and is ready to put his points across in the first round of the Gael Linn debating competition.
Also, the Young Scientist team are selected to participate in an exhibition in the RDS in Dublin, and the school choir competes in the International Choir of the Year Competition.
Alongside student challenges, the Board of Governors seek funding from the Education Authority to build new classrooms to accommodate the new intake of pupils.
Daltaí an Chaisleáin is made by Ligid TV for BBC Gaeilge, with funding from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund.
Iar-bhunscoil Ghaeilge i gCaisleán Dhún Geimhin á léiriú i sraith nua CCG
Is sraith nua ó BBC Gaeilge é Daltaí an Chaisleáin, a dhíríonn ar na daoine a ndearna a dtiomantas scoil nua-aoiseach de chaisleán meánaoiseach. Craolfar an tsraith ceithre chlár, a fuair maoiniú ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann, ar BBC Two Northern Ireland an Luan 12 Feabhra ar 10i.n.
Le 500 bliain anuas, tá Caisleán Dhún Geimhin ina sheasamh ag bun na Speiríní. Is mar theach sinseartha mhuintir Chatháin a tógadh é, ach is iomaí craiceann a chuir sé de thar na blianta, lena n-áirítear áit chónaithe d’Arm SAM le linn an Dara Cogadh Domhanda, halla damhsa agus ceoil sna 1950idí agus 1960idí (a raibh Tom Jones agus Engelbert Humperdinck agus a lán eile ar an ardán ann) agus óstán boutique go dtí 2014.
Anois, a bhuíochas sin do phobal diongbháilte áitiúil agus do choiste deonach díograiseach, tá feidhm úr ag an fhoirgneamh thaibhseach seo, mar Ghaelcholáiste Dhoire – an chéad iar-bhunscoil Ghaeilge neamhspleách i suíomh tuaithe i dTuaisceart Éireann.
Cuireann muid aithne ar mhuintir na háite a bhí freagrach as an mhórathrú seo, ar an phríomhoide dhíograiseach agus ar a fhoireann, agus ar na daltaí fosta, atá iontach sásta leis an scoil úr neamhghnách seo, a bhfuil an oiread sin dúile acu inti go dtugann cuid acu an leasainm ‘Hogwarts’ uirthi.
Sa chéad chlár den tsraith, tugtar léargas dúinn ar reáchtáil laethúil Ghaelcholáiste Dhoire, chomh maith le saol baile agus saol sóisialta na ndaltaí.
Cuireann muid aithne ar Fherdia, feirmeoir, ar breá leis aire a thabhairt don phór neamhchoitianta eallaigh atá aige, ar Sé Óg, ábhar churadh na hÉireann mar thiománaí i rásaíocht na gcairtíní, agus Erin, cláirseoir éirimiúil óg.
I gclár a dó, cuireann muid aithne ar Ruairí, dalta ‘nua’ atá páirteach san fhoireann díospóireachta agus atá réidh a chuid argóintí a chur trasna sa chéad bhabhta de chomórtas díospóireachta Ghael Linn.
Déantar an fhoireann Eolaithe Óga a roghnú le páirt a ghlacadh i dtaispeántas san RDS i mBaile Átha Cliath, agus tá cór na scoile san iomaíocht i gComórtas Chór Idirnáisiúnta na Bliana.
Ach más mór na dúshláin sin, tá dúshláin dá gcuid féin le sárú ag Bord na nGobharnóirí, atá ar lorg maoiniú ón Údarás Oideachais le seomraí ranga úra a thógáil le freastal ar na daltaí úra.
Is é Ligid TV a rinne Daltaí an Chaisleáin do BBC Gaeilge, le maoiniú ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann.