New Children’s Series ‘Scoil Choille’

Date Posted: February 6, 2025
Seolann an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge agus TG4 Sraith Nua do Pháistí ‘Scoil Choille’ – Ag Fiosrú Iontaisí an Dúlra
Tá áthas ar an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge agus TG4 “Scoil Choille,” a sheoladh, sraith nua 12 clár a chuirfidh páistí idir 5-9 mbliana d’aois faoi gheasa ag áilleacht na cruinne nádúrtha. Tugann an tsraith aoibhinn seo,léirithe ag Corcra Media Teo agus á chur i láthair ag Frainc Mac Cionnaith, Gráinne Holland, agus a gcuid páistí Naoise agus Síomha, lucht féachana ar thuras trí shéasúir na bliana, ag nochtadh seoda folaithe na coille.
Eispéireas uathúil foghlama lasmuigh atá sa tsraith “Scoil Choille”, ag fiosrú na radharcanna agus na fuaimeanna a thugann gach séasúr leis. Bígí le Frainc, Gráinne, Naoise, agus Síomha agus iad ag dul ar eachtraí spreagúla, ag nochtadh rúin an dúlra díreach ar ár leac an dorais.
Leanann an tsraith roth na bliana sa choill. Pléascann an tEarrach le beocht agus muid ag amharc ar théamaí ar nós ‘créatúir’, ‘bláthanna’ agus ‘éin ag néadú’. Spreagann teas an tSamhraidh na páistí chun a gcuid raftaí féin a thógáil agus foghlaim faoi shaolré an fhéileacáin. Tugann an Fómhar flúirse na foraoise chun tosaigh agus nochtann an Geimhreadh conas a n-oibríonn créatúir na coille chun maireachtáil san aimsir fhuar.
Cothaíonn “Scoil Choille” grá don dúlra sna páistí agus spreagann sé iad chun an domhan mórthimpeall orthu a fhiosrú. Leis an scéalaíocht, gníomhaíochtaí praiticiúla agus neart ceoil, spreagfaidh an tsraith seo lucht féachana óg chun nasc a dhéanamh leis an timpeallacht nádúrtha thart orthu.
Dúirt Áine Walsh, Ceannasaí an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge:
“Tá an-áthas orainn go raibheamar ábalta tacú lena leithéid d’ábhar foghlama, sraith tarraingteach a dhéanann ceiliúradh ar an nadúr le tírdhreach ghalánta an Tuaiscirt mar chúlra. Táim cinnte go mbainfidh an lucht féachana óg an-sult as a bheith i gcuideachta Gráinne, Frainc, Naoise agus Síomha.”
Dúirt Conall Ó Máirtín, Eagarthóir Oideachais TG4:
“Is sraith ghalánta í Scoil Choille a thugann an lucht féachana ar thuras foghlama taobh amuigh den tseomra ranga. Nascann sé go láidir le spriocanna foghlama an Domhan thart orainn agus tugann sé deis do dhaltaí sealbhú teanga a dhéanamh ar na gnéithe is tábhachtaí de na coillte thar tréimhse bliana. Le cur chúige ealaíonta agus samhlaíocht ar leith tugann an tsraith seo saol na coille chun beatha ar dhóigh siamsiúil agus tarraingteach. Tá muid ag dúil go mór le go mbeidh deis ag daltaí agus múinteoirí Scoil Choille a úsáid sa tseomra ranga.”
Arsa léiritheoir na sraithe agus stiúrthóir Corcra Media Gráinne Holland:
“táimid inár gcónaí in áit álainn leis an choill ar leac a dorais againn agus chaith muid an oiread ama sa choill lenar bpáistí ó bhí siad an-óg. Spreag seo grá don dúlra agus don foghlaim lasmuigh iontu agus ionainn agus bhí muid ag iarraidh sin a roinnt le páistí fud fad na tíre.”
Tá “Scoil Choille” ar fáil ar Foghlaim TG4 anois.
Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund and Foghlaim TG4 Announces New Children’s Series ‘Scoil Choille’ – Exploring the Wonders of Nature
Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund (ILBF) and Foghlaim TG4 are delighted to announce the launch of “Scoil Choille” (Forest School), a captivating 12-part series designed to immerse children aged 5-9 in the wonders of the natural world. This enchanting series, produced by Corcra Media and presented by Frainc Mac Cionnaith, Gráinne Holland, and their children Naoise and Síomha, will transport viewers through the changing seasons, revealing the hidden treasures of the forest.
“Scoil Choille” offers a unique outdoor learning experience, exploring the sights, sounds, and discoveries that each season brings.
The series follows the family’s journey through the wheel of the year in the forest. Join Frainc, Gráinne, Naoise, and Síomha as they embark on exciting adventures, uncovering the secrets of nature right on our doorstep.
Spring bursts into life with explorations of ‘créatúr’ (creatures), ‘bláthanna’ (flowers), and ‘éanacha na coille ag néadú’ (woodland birds nesting). Summer’s warmth inspires the children to build their own rafts and learn about the fascinating life cycle of the butterfly. Autumn brings the bounty of the forest to the forefront as the family explores the harvest, while winter reveals how woodland creatures adapt and survive the cold.
“Scoil Choille” aims to foster a love for nature and encourage children to explore the world around them. Through engaging storytelling and hands-on activities, the series will inspire young viewers to connect with the natural environment and appreciate its beauty and importance.
Áine Walsh, Head of the Irish Language Broadcast Fund said:
“We are delighted that we were able to support this beautiful series that celebrates nature against the b eautiful backdrop of the Northern landscape. I’m sure that the young audiences will enjoy being in the company of Gráinne, Frainc, Naoise and Síomha.”
Conall Ó Máirtín, TG4 Education Editor said:
“Scoil Choille is a splendid series that takes the audience on a learning journey beyond the classroom. It closely connects with the learning objectives of the world around us and provides students with the opportunity to acquire language through the most important aspects of the forest over the course of a year. With a unique artistic and imaginative approach, this series brings the life of the forest to life in an engaging and entertaining way. We are very much looking forward to students and teachers having the opportunity to use Scoil Choille in the classroom.”
Series producer and director of Corcra Media Gráinne Holland said:
‘We are fortunate to live in an area of outstanding natural beauty, with the forest right on our doorstep. As our children were growing up, we spent countless hours exploring the woods with them, fostering a deep love of nature and outdoor learning. Inspired by these experiences, we wanted to share that passion with children everywhere.’
“Scoil Choille” is available on Foghlaim TG4.