NÓS TV launches the first Irish Language Lip Dub video

Date Posted: March 16, 2017
NÓS TV, in conjunction with Coláiste Feirste the Irish medium secondary school in Belfast, has produced the very first extended lip dub in Irish.
Hundreds took part in the music project, which included both students and staff from the school who can be seen singing enthusiastically to renowned songs from the bands Kíla and Seo Linn.
NÓS TV receives support from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund with plans to produce five more special videos in the coming weeks.
Having only been published last week, the video has already reached 15,000 hits on YouTube and 77,000 views on Facebook.
“There are hundreds of videos on line of schools throughout the world doing lip dub,” said project producer, Gráinne Holland.
“We thought it would be fantastic if an Irish language school could do their very own lip dub and it was a memorable experience putting the video together in Coláiste Feirste.
“It isn’t easy coordinating a project like this but both the students and staff truly excelled – they all worked so hard on bringing the lip dub together.”
What made the project even more special was that the cameraman on set, Declan Ó Grianna, who has worked on Game of Thrones and other large series, is a past pupil of the school.
The video was dedicated to past pupil and teacher Beicí Mhic Crabhagáin (Nic Riada), who sadly died earlier in the year due to illness.
“This lip dub shows the life and talent within the Irish language community throughout the country and we hope to bring more of this talent onto the screen in the near future,” said Gráinne.
Among the upcoming videos NÓS TV is set to publish includes a music video with the group IMLÉ, a short film and a dance flashmob…keep an eye on this space!
The video can be found at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYsX3PmyLos
Foilsíonn NÓS TV an chéad fhíséan Lip Dub as Gaeilge
Tá an chéad lip dub fada as Gaeilge foilsithe ag NÓS in éineacht le Coláiste Feirste, an mheánscoil Ghaeilge i mBéal Feirste.
Ghlac na céadta páirt sa togra ceoil seo ina bhfeictear daltaí agus foireann na scoile ag canadh go spraíúil le linn d’amhráin aitheanta de chuid na mbannaí Kíla agus Seo Linn bheith á gcasadh.
Is le maoiniú ón Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge a léiríodh an físeán agus tá sé i gceist ag NÓS cúig fhíseán speisialta eile a fhoilsiú sna seachtainí amach romhainn.
Cé nár foilsíodh an físeán ach timpeall seachtain ó shin, tá an-eileamh air i ngar is i gcéin agus 15,000 amas ar YouTube agus 77,000 amharc ar Facebook faighte aige cheana féin.
“Tá na céadta físeán ar líne anois de scoileanna ar fud an domhain ag déanamh lip dub,” arsa Gráinne Holland, léiritheoir an tionscnaimh.
“Shíl muid go mbeadh sé ar dóigh dá ndéanfadh Gaelscoil a lip dub féin agus bhí craic iontach againn ag cur an fhíseáin le chéile le Coláiste Feirste.
“Níl sé éasca togra mar seo a chomhordú ach d’éirigh thar barr leis na daltaí agus le foireann iomlán na scoile, a chuir obair mhór isteach chun an lip dub a thabhairt le chéile.”
Cúis bhróid é chomh maith gur iardhalta de chuid na scoile, Declan Ó Grianna, a d’oibrigh ar Game of Thrones mar aon le mórshraitheanna eile, a bhí mar fhear ceamara ar an lá taifeadta.
Tiomnaíodh an físeán d’iardhalta eile, agus múinteoir, Beicí Mhic Crabhagáin (Nic Riada), a cailleadh go brónach ní ba luaithe i mbliana i ndiaidh tinnis.
“Is léiriú é an lip dub seo ar an bheocht agus ar an mhianach atá le fáil i bpobal na Gaeilge fud fad na tíre agus tá súil againn a thuilleadh de sin a thabhairt chun scáileáin sa tréimhse amach romhainn,” arsa Gráinne.
I measc na bhfíseán eile a fhoilseoidh NÓS go luath tá físeán ceoil leis an ghrúpa IMLÉ, gearrscannán agus damhsa tobshlua… coinnigh súil ar an spás seo!
Is féidir teacht ar an fhíseán ag an nasc seo a leanas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYsX3PmyLos