New Irish Language Broadcast Fund programme follows players preparing for the World Table Soccer Cup

Date Posted: February 1, 2023
A new Irish Language Broadcast Fund programme, Flic Saor, follows a group of Subbuteo players representing Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland as they prepare to take part in the World Table Soccer Cup in Rome. Produced by Clean Slate Television, the documentary airs on Monday 6th February at 10pm on BBC Two Northern Ireland.
Most people can only dream of pulling on their country’s jersey and playing in a World Cup. As teams and fans made the trip to Qatar last year, a bunch of friends packed their kit, secured their players safely in their cases, and headed for Italy.
But it’s not all about winning. The table top version of soccer for these lads is about building friendships, the fun and the revival of a childhood hobby.
The programme follows two of the Ireland team’s members, Oisín Mac Eo from Derry and Brendan Rodgers from Donegal as they practise their skills and head to Italy. The Ireland Table Football Team isn’t ranked as one of the best teams in the world and its members play the game as a hobby. At the World Cup, they will be up against others who play the game professionally, and take on countries who have competitions to select who represents the national team.
There are only about 20 people across the island of Ireland who play regularly and Oisín, who plays for the Republic of Ireland, often trains with the players from Northern Ireland. The clubs are as much about camaraderie as they are about competition. Both Brendan and Oisín played table football as children and gave it up only to return to it years later. When they rediscovered the game as adults they found with it a new group of friends. They explain how the game is played and why it matters to them.
Now the training is done, the painting of players is finished and the time for talking tactics is over. The professional set up in Rome may be a world away from the four tables set up in the back room of a pub but the love of the game is the same no matter where you’re from.
Leanann clár nua de chuid an Chiste Chraoltóireachta Ghaeilge imreoirí atá ag ullmhú le páirt a ghlacadh i gCorn Domhanda Sacar Tábla
Leanann clár nua de chuid an Chiste Chraoltóireachta Ghaeilge, Flic Saor, grúpa imreoirí Subbuteo agus iad ag déanamh ionadaíochta d’fhoireann Thuaisceart Éireann agus Poblacht na hÉireann agus iad ag ullmhú le páirt a ghlacadh i gCorn Domhanda Sacar Tábla sa Róimh. Léirithe ag Clean Slate Television do BBC Gaeilge, beidh Flic Saor le fáil ar BBC iPlayer agus ar BBC Two Thuaisceart Éireann ón 6 Feabhra ag 10in.
Ní féidir ach le fíorbheagán daoine a bheith ag brionglóidí faoi gheansaí na tíre a chaitheamh agus imirt i gCorn Domhanda. A fhad is a bhí foirne agus lucht leanúna ag tarraingt ar Qatar anuraidh, rinne grúpa cairde a n-éide a phacáil, chuir siad a n-imreoirí go sábháilte sna cásanna agus thug siad aghaidh ar an Iodáil.
Ach ní ar mhaithe leis an bhua a ghlacann siad páirt. Is ar mhaithe le cairdeas a chruthú a mbíonn na fir ag imirt an chluiche tábla sacar, chomh maith le spórt agus le caitheamh aimsire a n-óige a chaomhnú. Leanann an clár beirt bhall d’fhoireann Phoblacht na hÉireann, Oisín Mac Eo, de bhunadh Dhoire agus Brendan Rogers as Tír Chonaill, de réir mar a chleachtann siad a gcuid scileanna roimh a n-aistear chun na hIodáile.
Níl foireann Sacar Tábla na hÉireann rangaithe i measc na bhfoirne is fearr ar domhan agus is caitheamh aimsire atá i gceist do na baill fhoirne. Beidh siad ag imirt in éadan cuid de na himreoirí proifisiúnta is rathúla ag an Chorn Dhomhanda agus ag dul san iomaíocht le tíortha a mbíonn comórtais iontu lena bhfoirne náisiúnta a roghnú.
Níl ach tuairim is fiche duine ar oileán na hÉireann a imríonn an cluiche go rialta agus is minic a bhíonn Oisín, atá ar fhoireann Phoblacht na hÉireann, ag cleachtadh le himreoirí ó fhoireann Thuaisceart Éireann. Is mó don chomrádaíocht ná don chomórtas gur ann do na clubanna. D’imir Brendan agus Oisín beirt sacar tábla agus iad óg, agus cé gur éirigh siad as an imirt tháinig siad ar ais chuige blianta níos moille. Nuair a bhí an cluiche athaimsithe acu mar dhaoine fásta, bhuail siad le grúpa cairde úrnua. Míníonn siad a thábhachtaí is atá an cluiche dóibh nuair a bhuaileann muid leo.
Anois, tá an traenáil déanta, tá na figiúirí péinteáilte agus tá t-am le bheith ag plé teaicticí thart. Tá an leagan amach proifisiúnta sa Róimh iomlán difriúl ó na ceithre thábla i gcúlseomrathábhairne a bhfuil taithí ag na himreoirí áitiúla acu air ach is ionann ag grá don chluiche is cuma c’as a dtáinig tú.