Irish Language Broadcast Fund Investment Committee vacancy

Date Posted: March 2, 2021
*Deadline extended to Friday 26th March*
Is mian le Northern Ireland Screen ionadaí neamhspleách ar lucht féachana a cheapadh don Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge (CCG).
Is comhalta ó Bhord Northern Ireland atá mar chathaoirleach ar Choiste Infheistíochta an CCG, agus tá beirt ionadaithe neamhspleácha ar an bhord, chomh maith le comhaltaí ainmithe ag TG4, BBC TÉ agus Foras na Gaeilge.
Tá an t-údarás maidir le cinntí maoinithe ón Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge laistigh de Northern Ireland Screen tarchurtha ag Coiste Infheistíochta an CCG. Déantar Comhaltaí Coiste a cheapadh go ceann tréimhse trí bliana agus táthar ag déanamh go mbeidh 2 chruinniú sa bhliain ar a laghad ag an Choiste.
Beifear ag súil go gcuirfear déine acadúil ar fáil ón Choiste Infheistíochta, go mbeidh nasc aige le pobal na Gaeilge, agus spéis agus eolas faoi leith maidir le hábhar a léiriú/a chraoladh.
Critéir Riachtanacha:
- Fianaise faoi eolas ar léiriúchán agus/nó chraoltóireacht;
- Léiriú spéise sa Ghaeilge, san oidhreacht agus/nó sa chultúr, nó nasc leo;
- Fianaise ar thoil obair an Chiste agus cinntí an Choiste a chur chun cinn.
Critéir Inmhianaithe:
- Cáilíochta(í) céime nó iarchéime i réimse ábhartha;
- Taithí sa mhaoiniú agus san obair mar chomhlacht corpraithe ina ndéantar cinntí tríd an choimhthoil;
- Léiriú ar eolas den scoth faoi obair Northern Ireland Screen;
- Taithí ar bhallraíocht boird nó coiste, ballraíocht reatha san áireamh.
Is féidir teacht ar na pacáistí iarratais ag an nasc seo:
Is 12 meán-lae ar an 26ú Márta an spriocdháta.
Ní ghlacfar le hiarratais mhalla.
Northern Ireland Screen is seeking to appoint an independent audience representative for the Irish Language Broadcast Fund (ILBF) Investment Committee.
The ILBF Investment Committee, chaired by a Northern Ireland Screen Board Member consists of two independent audience representatives as well as nominated members by TG4, BBC NI and Foras na Gaeilge.
The ILBF Investment Committee has delegated authority within Northern Ireland Screen to make funding decisions regarding the Irish Language Broadcast Fund. Committee Members are appointed for a 3 year term and it is anticipated that the Committee will have a minimum of 2 meetings per annum.
The Investment Committee will be expected to provide academic rigour, have Irish language community links and a keen interest in and knowledge of content production/broadcasting.
Essential Criteria:
- Evidence knowledge of production and/or broadcasting;
- Demonstration of an interest in and/or links to Irish language, heritage and/or culture;
- Evidence of a willingness to promote the work of the Fund and the decisions of the Committee.
Desirable Criteria:
- Graduate or postgraduate qualification/s in a relevant field;
- Experience in funding and working as a corporate entity with decisions made by consensus;
- Demonstrate an excellent knowledge of the work of Northern Ireland Screen;
- Current or previous membership of a board or committee
Application packs are available HERE.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Friday 26th March.
Late applications will not be accepted.