ILBF series Tréigthe looks at some of Ulster’s forgotten buildings

Date Posted: March 19, 2021
In a new Irish Language Broadcast Fund series, Tréigthe (Abandoned), presenter Cormac Ó hÁdhmaill uncovers the history behind some of Ulster’s forgotten buildings, previously brimming with life, now neglected and reclaimed by nature. Produced by DoubleBand Films for BBC Gaeilge, the three-part series starts on Monday 22nd March at 10pm on BBC Two Northern Ireland.
All across Ulster, hundreds of places, including castles, places of worship, prisons, at one time vibrant with noise and activity, once pulsing with life, now lie dormant, deserted and desolate.
While Cormac uncovers the rich and extensive history of these buildings and the lives forgotten spanning decades and centuries, he is joined by architect Ciarán Mackel who explores some of these old buildings that have been granted a new lease of life. Each week, Cormac and Ciarán set out to pull back the ivy, blow off the dust, and rediscover some of these fascinating places and their stories.
Their adventure brings us to abandoned, moss-covered railway stations, ancient tumbledown castles, churches reclaimed by mother nature and factories where the sound of industry rang throughout the walls and which now echo quietly, dormant and disused.
In each episode, Cormac explores the stories behind why these formerly lively locations have been abandoned. While architect Ciarán is investigating how some buildings are being restored and repurposed after being neglected for so long.
Sa tsraith nua seo Tréigthe atá maoinithe ag an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge, nochtann láithreoir Cormac Ó hÁdhmaill stair chuid d’fhoirgnimh dhearmadta Uladh, a raibh fuadar fúthu lá den tsaol agus a bhfuil faillí déanta orthu anois, an nádúr ag glacadh seilbh orthu arís. Beidh an tsraith atá léirithe ag DoubleBand Films do BBC Gaeilge ag tosnú Dé Luain 22ú Márta ar BBC2 Thuaisceart Éireann ag 10in.
Fud fad chúige Uladh, tá na céadta áiteanna tréigthe ann, caisleáin, tithe pobail, príosúin ina measc, a bhí lán le beocht agus clampar iontu ariamh agus atá anois ina dtost, bánaithe agus gan aird an phobail orthu.
Agus Cormac ag fiosrú stair shaibhir chuimsitheach na bhfoirgneamh agus na saolta sin atá ligthe i ndearmad leis na cianta, pléann a chomhghleacaí, an t-ailtire Ciarán Mackel, roinnt foirgnimh a bhfuil saol nua á thabhairt dóibh. Gach seachtain, téann Cormac agus Ciarán i mbun an chuirtín eidhneáin a tharraingt siar, an deannach a shéideadh chun siúil agus cuid de na háiteanna spéisiúla seo a aimsiú in athuair.
Téimid leo ar a n-eachtra go stáisiún traenach tréigthe le brat caonaigh air, caisleáin ársa tite as a chéile, eaglaisí a bhfuil an nádúr ag brú isteach iontu arís, agus monarchana a raibh fuaimeanna na tionsclaíochta le cloisteáil tráth, nach bhfuil ach macalla iontu inniu.
I ngach clár, tagann Cormac ar na scéalta taobh thiar de bhánú na n-áiteanna sin a bhí bríomhar fadó, agus amharcann Ciarán ar na foirgnimh a bhfuil bail á cur orthu agus feidhm úr á tabhairt dóibh i ndiaidh bheith tréigthe le tamall fada.