ILBF series Ar An Sliabh airs on BBC Two NI

Date Posted: December 22, 2021
A new Irish Language Broadcast Fund six-part observational documentary series, Ar An Sliabh, follows the lives of mountain communities – from the slopes of Slieve Gullion to the heart of the Wicklow mountains. Produced by Strident Media, the series begins on Monday 3rd January at 10pm on BBC Two Northern Ireland.
Filmed during 2021, Ar An Sliabh focuses on the lives of the people who live in four different mountain regions during one extraordinary year. The audience has a fly-on-the-wall view of the everyday struggles and triumphs of these mountain dwellers. Themes such as love and loss, coping with family illness and celebrating life’s milestones, growing up and growing old, self-love and nurturing others are gently explored through the lives of the people who have chosen to live in some of the most rugged regions on the island of Ireland.
Over the six weeks viewers meet 12-year-old businessman Cérill, who, cut off from his friends, finds solace in his beloved animals and the nature around him. Sheep farmer Séamus contemplates a lonely rural existence amidst the beauty of the foothills of the Mournes.
The Glenmalure lodge in the heart of the Wicklow mountains closed its doors for the first time during Covid and now the Dowling family who run the hotel wonder when they will ever be able to open up again.
Cider maker Seán keeps a close eye on his growing apple crop on the sunny side of Slieve Gullion and bee-keeper John Ross tries to avoid getting stung as he harvests the honey.
Student Niamh struggles with the college experience that is now confined to her kitchen table while school principal Pól tries to keep his students and staff motivated until he can finally welcome his pupils back to school.
Each geographical area is very distinct. Slieve Gullion is home to a tight-knit south Armagh community, nestled close to one another within the protection of the Ring of Gullion. The Slieve Aughty community is more dispersed over the sprawling mountain and lakes region of east Galway, bordering on counties Clare and Tipperary. The spectacular Wicklow mountains provide a rural retreat on the fringes of the capital city for those that dwell there. Several rural and coastal communities nestle in the Mountains of Mourne which rise spectacularly from the sea.
Ar An Sliabh starts on BBC Two Northern Ireland from Monday 3rd January at 10pm and is currently available on BBC iPlayer.
Scéal na bpobal a mhaireann i measc na sléibhte in Éirinn atá in Ar An Sliabh sraith nua atá maoinithe ag an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge. Rinneadh an tsraith ar an mhodh breathnaitheach i rith na bliana 2021 agus díríonn sé ar na daoine a mhaireann i gceithre cinn de cheantair sléibhe. Bliain eisceachtúil a bhí inti. Craolfar clár a haon ag 10i.n Dé Luain 3ú Eanáir ar BBC 2. Léiriú de chuid Strident is ea Ar An Sliabh agus is comhléiriú idir RTÉ agus BBCNI.
Beidh an lucht féachana ag leanacht na ndaoine seo i gcaitheamh na bliana – ag coinneáil súil orthu agus iad ag maireachtáil le grá agus gruaim, cúraimí an tsaoil, cúraimí feirme agus clainne, fás agus foghlaim, gach duine acu ag maireachtáil i réigiúin éagsúla atá sceirdiúil agus scoite amach.
Leaid óg 12 bhliain is ea Cérill. Tá sé gearrtha amach óna chairde, ach níl uaigneas air i measc na n-ainmhithe agus an nádúir. Feirmeoir caorach is ea Séamus agus é scoite amach leis féin féin faoi scáth na mBeanna Boirche.
Den chéad uair riamh, dúnadh doirse an Glenmalure Lodge i gcroílar Shléibhte Chill Mhantáin, le linn Covid. Níl a fhios ag Muintir Dowling, ar leo é, an n-osclóidh siad arís go brách.
Ar thaobh na gréine i Sliabh gCuillinn tá úllord breá ag Seán. Tá sé ag súil ceirtlis a dhéanamh as sa bhfómhar. Tugann John Ross aire mhaith dá chuid beacha agus déanann sé mil sna Beanna Boirche.
Ag streachailt le hobair ón mbaile atá an t-ábhar oide Niamh agus an Príomhoide Pól. Tá seisean ag súil go mór leis an lá a bhfailteoidh sé ar ais roimh a chuid daltaí scoile.
Feicimid iad ó shéasúr go séasúr agus iad ina gcúlphictiúr maorga ar leith ag gach pobal. Ceithre phobal atá sa tsraith – pobal teann Ard Mhacha Theas i Sliabh gCuillinn agus iad teanntaithe ag Fáinne Cnoc Shliabh gCuillinn; pobal scaipthe Shliabh Eachtaí in oirthear na Gaillimhe agus iad gar don Chlár agus Tiobraid Árainn; muintir Chill Mhantáin sna sléibhte gar don phríomhchathair ach atá fós amuigh faoin tuath; agus pobal na mBeanna Boirche a mhaireann cois cósta agus i measc na sléibhte is áille agus is iontaí ar fad.
Beidh Ar An Sliabh le feiceáil ar BBC Two Northern Ireland ón Luan, 3ú Eanáir ag 10i.n agus tá an tsraith iomlán ar fáil ar seinnteoir an BBC cheana féin.