ILBF podcast Ceol na Sióg will be available from tomorrow

Date Posted: December 23, 2021
Ceol na Sióg (Music of the Fairies), a new Irish Language Broadcast Fund radio podcast supported by four lyric videos exploring the magic of the world around us, will be available on BBC Sounds and BBC Gaeilge from Friday 24th December. Produced by Corcra Media, presenter Cormac Ó hAdhmaill, accompanied by five children, sets out to explore Tollymore forest in County Down and talk about the sights and sounds there, the trees, animals and plants that inhabit this beautiful part of the world.
The children will learn about native trees such as the Irish oak, the red squirrel and the measures being taken to ensure their survival, the fish of the Shimna river which runs through the forest and the many birds who live among the trees.
Róisín Kelleher, Content Editor of BBC Gaeilge said: “This is an enchanting programme for all the family that will take listeners on an adventure through the forest at one of the most memorable times of the year as autumn turns into winter. Listeners will be able to explore the sights and sounds of the forest accompanied by four songs and animations with highlighted captions. It is also the first in a collection of exciting commissions with the Irish Language Broadcast Fund which includes documentaries, podcasts, drama and education, all to be broadcast through 2022.”
Áine Walsh, Head of Irish Language Broadcast Fund said: “Supporting content aimed at children and young people is a key priority for the Irish Language Broadcast Fund and we are delighted to be able to support this beautiful series which will immerse children in the wonderful world and music of the fairies. We’re also very proud that the creative talent involved in the project, Gráinne Holland, is an alumni of the ILBF training schemes and hope that this project will inspire more amazing Irish language content for Irish speaking children.”
Ceol na Sióg is available on BBC Sounds and BBC Gaeilge from Friday 24th December.
Podchraoladh de chuid an CCG Ceol na Sióg ar fáil ón lá amárach
Is clár raidió/podchraoladh úr de chuid an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge é Ceol na Sióg a bhfuil ceithre fhíseán liriciúla mar dhúshraith aige agus ina bhfiosraítear an draíocht atá sa domhan thart orainn a bhéas ar fáil ar BBC Sounds agus ar BBC Gaeilge ón Aoine 24 Nollaig. Sa chlár atá léirithe ag Corcra Media, téann Cormac Ó hAdhmaill, láithreoir, in éineacht le cúigear páistí ag taiscéaladh i gCoill Tulaigh Mhór i gContae an Dúin. Labhraíonn siad faoina bhfeiceann agus a gcluineann siad ann, faoi na crainn, na hainmhithe agus faoi na plandaí a mhaireann sa chuid álainn seo den domhan.
Beidh na páistí ag foghlaim faoi na crainn dúchais mar chrann darach na hÉireann, leithéidí an iora rua, agus a bhfuil ar siúl lena chinntiú go dtiocfaidh an t-iora rua slán. Cluinfidh muid fosta faoi na héisc in Abhainn Shimhné a shileann tríd an choill chéanna agus an iomad éan a mhaireann sna crainn.
Arsa Róisín Kelleher, Eagarthóir Ábhar BBC Gaeilge: “Clár draíochtach é seo don teaghlach ar fad a thabharfaidh lucht éisteachta ar aistear fuaime tríd an choill ag am iontach den bhliain idir fómhar agus geimhreadh. Cuirtear go mór leis an spraoi le tionlacan na gceithre amhrán agus na mbeochaintí le teidealú aibhsithe. Lena chois sin, is é seo an chéad togra d’ábhar tarraingteach atá coimisiúnaithe le craoladh le linn 2022, i gcomhpáirt leis an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge, ar a n-áirítear cláir faisnéise, podchraoltaí, drámaíocht agus oideachas.”
Áine Walsh, Ceannasaí Ciste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge: “Is buntosaíocht de chuid Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge é tacú le hábhar atá dírithe ar pháistí agus daoine óga agus tá an-lúcháir orainn a bheith ábalta tacú leis an tsraith álainn seo a thabharfaidh páistí ar aistear chuig áilleacht sa domhan agus ceol na sióg. Tá muid iontach bródúil fosta as Gráinne Holland a léirigh an togra, iar-oiliúnaí de scéimeanna CCG agus tá súil againn go spreagfaidh an togra seo níos mó ábhar Gaeilge do chainteoirí óga na teanga.”
Tá Ceol na Sióg ar fáil ar BBC Sounds agus ar BBC Gaeilge ón Aoine 24 Nollaig.