Beidh Aonach Amárach returns to BBC Two NI with a twist

Date Posted: February 1, 2021
Beidh Aonach Amárach, the TV series that brings viewers the best of the country agricultural shows and fairs and meets the people who take part across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is back – with a difference.
The new six-part series, made for BBC Gaeilge and TG4 by Strident Media with support from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund, starts on Monday 8th February on BBC Two Northern Ireland at 10pm.
With 140 agricultural shows across the island of Ireland, this scene is hugely popular with competitors and spectators. Every year thousands of people spend months of preparation before travelling the country to take part in the competitions every weekend.
However, for the first time in history, all country shows have been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. They have lost their weekly get-together to hail the best of the best. Although the show will not ‘go on’, the show-people – the winners, the losers, the bakers, the potters, the craftspeople, the florists and the artists continue their obsessions.
Throughout 2020 the series has been capturing the stories of the people of all ages and backgrounds who would normally vie for the top spots in an amazing range of competitions. While the shows have been cancelled, that doesn’t stop this remarkable range of people, who would usually be preparing to take part, from honing their skills and aiming to be the best at what they do.
From cattle to cakes, sheep-shearing to basket weaving, show-jumping to new technology – and not forgetting the best vegetables, dog agility, art and craft – the series provides an insight into these dedicated and multi-talented show-people and their passions.
Travelling to some of the most beautiful parts of the island of Ireland, there’s plenty of breath-taking scenery on the way from Donegal to Mayo and from Wexford to County Down. Viewers discover what it takes to be the best as we enter the world of the rosette winners with their stories, traditions and trade secrets.
The new six-part series, Beidh Aonach Amárach, returns on Monday 8th February on BBC Two Northern Ireland at 10pm.
Beidh Aonach Amárach, an tsraith theilifíse a thugann buaicphointí na seónna agus na n-aontaí talmhaíochta chugainn agus ina gcastar orainn daoine as gach cuid den tír a ghlacann páirt iontu, tá sé ar ais. Ach ní hionann an clár atá agus an clár a bhí!
Cuirfear tús leis an tsraith 6 chlár a rinne Strident Media do BBC Gaeilge agus TG4 le tacaíocht ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann, Dé Luain 08 Feabhra ar BBC Two NI ar 10i.n.
Bíonn 140 seó talmhaíochta ar siúl ar fud oileán na hÉireann agus is fianaise é sin ar an tóir atá orthu ag lucht comórtais agus ag an phobal i gcoitinne araon. Gach bliain caitheann na mílte duine míonna fada ag déanamh réidh roimh thaisteal ar fud na tíre le páirt a ghlacadh i gcomórtais gach deireadh seachtaine.
Den chéad uair riamh, áfach, tá na seónna tuaithe ar ceal mar gheall ar phaindéim Covid-19. Ní thiocfaidh siad le chéile le dul san iomaíocht go ceann tamaill. Ní leanfaidh an seó ar aghaidh ach beidh a lucht leanúna – buaiteoirí, caillteoirí, báicéirí, potadóirí, ceardaithe, bláthadóirí agus ealaíontóirí ag gabháil don rud a bhfuil a gcroí istigh ann go fóill.
Ó bhí tús 2020 ann, tá an tsraith ag bailiú scéalta ó dhaoine de gach aois agus cúlra a bheadh in iomaíocht ghéar lena chéile de ghnáth. Cé go bhfuil na seónna ar ceal tá na daoine seo ag treabhadh leo, go meafarach ar ndóigh, ag cur faobhair agus barr feabhais ar a scileanna.
Ó eallach go healaín, caoirigh go ciseáin, seoléimneach go nuatheicneolaíocht – gan trácht ar ghlasraí, madraí agus ceardaíocht – faighimid léargas ar lucht ildánach na seónna agus ar réimse leathan na mbuanna atá acu.
Siúlaimid cuid de na háiteanna is áille in Éirinn agus tá neart radharc tíre den scoth againn ar an bhealach ó Thír Chonaill go Maigh Eo agus ó Loch Garman go Contae an Dúin. Faigheann an lucht féachana amach faoi na scéalta, traidisiúin agus na rúin atá ag lucht buaite na róiséad.
Beidh sraith úr de Beidh Aonach Amárach ar ais ar ár scáileáin Dé Luain 08 Feabhra ar BBC Two NI ar 10i.n.