Screenwriting Seminar – An Introduction To Genre for Screenwriters
Date Posted: January 9, 2025
A focus on story structure and dialogue with Phil Parker
When: Tuesday, January 28th 11am-2pm
Phil Parker is one of Europe’s leading content development consultants. He has worked with C4, BBC, and Aardman animation in the UK; ifs, and Berlin Medianboard in Germany plus CEE Animation, and several European independent companies.
He founded the UK’s most successful screenwriting course. Graduates won several BAFTA’s, a Palme D’Or and were Oscar nominated. In 2000 he set up the UK Film Council’s development training programme and has supervised 5 PhDs to completion including two award winning screenplays.
Currently working on projects from, Czech Republic, Germany, Holland. Slovenia, and the UK. He is the author of the ‘Art and Science of Screenwriting’ – a standard text in European film schools.
Secure your place today- register to attend by rsvp to: [email protected]