Applications are now open for 2018/19 BFI Film Academy courses

Date Posted: June 28, 2018
Open to young people from anywhere in the UK and from any background, the BFI Film Academy offers a real chance for talented 16-19-year-olds to be part of our future film industry.
The BFI’s unique programme of film courses is now recruiting for 2018-19.
The BFI Film Academy offers at least 40 hours of industry standard training across a combination of practical skills workshops and film theory classes. Participants will also receive masterclasses by key industry figures, and make a professional film working as part of a crew. Bespoke careers advice and signposting sessions are also included to support next steps.
Arts Award or Preparing to Work in the Film Industry qualifications are offered as part of these courses.
Courses run UK-wide from September to March and cost a one-off fee of £25, but this fee may be waived. Bursaries for travel and other costs like childcare are also available.
Please visit the BFI Film Academy website here for more information.