Boosting Our Economy - Celebrating Our Culture - Enhancing Our Children's Education

Boosting Our Economy - Celebrating Our Culture - Enhancing Our Children's Education

Aim High FAQs

Aim High FAQs

When can I apply for Aim High?

Applications open on Tuesday 16th November 2021 and will close at 5pm on Friday 7th January 2022.

When does Aim High commence and how long does it run for?

Aim High starts April 2022 and runs for 18 months until the end of September 2023.

Do I have to be from the UK to apply?

No, however non-UK and Irish applicants must either possess a visa obtained under the points-based system which enables the holder to take up permanent employment or have successfully applied for Settled Status via the EU Settlement Scheme. Applicants must be able to provide evidence where necessary.

Do I have to be a student/have a degree or any qualifications?

Aim High is open to anyone aged 18 or over, regardless of educational background. We are interested in your potential and passion for storytelling.

I am not at college/university now – but am starting or thinking of starting in Autumn 2022, can I still apply?

Please only apply if you are not going to be in full-time education in Autumn 2022.

I am still at college/university – can I apply?

You can apply if you are in your final year of college or university and are available to attend the assessment centre, boot camp and can start your placements in April 2022.

I’m 17. Can I apply?

You can apply if you are aged 17 but you MUST have turned 18 by 1st April 2022.

Is there an age limit?

No. If you’re looking to change career we want to hear from you too.

Can I apply if I have been previously unsuccessful?


I want to be a presenter – will going on Aim High help?

No. Aim High is about finding talented people who aspire to be a TV producer. Please do not apply if presenting is your career goal.

I want to be a camera operator/editor/sound mixer – will going on Aim High help?

No. Aim High is about finding talented people who aspire to be a TV producer. Please do not apply if you want to work in a craft/technical role.

I want to be a production manager/production coordinator – will going on Aim High help?

No. Aim High is about finding talented people who aspire to be a TV producer. Please do not apply if you want to work in a production support role.

Do I need experience of working in the TV industry?

No, Aim High is open to anyone aged 18+ who is passionate about TV and is aimed at those who have no professional experience. We select trainees purely on the responses to the online assessments and their performance during the assessment centre and interview. We are looking for people with an enthusiasm and demonstrable interest in working in TV. However, previous industry experience will not hinder your application; all applicants will be treated equally.

What type of projects will I be working on during Aim High?

Aim high trainees will work on a range of factual-entertainment projects during their placements from local, national and international television projects as well as shorter form digital projects for online platforms. Aim High is not suitable for those who wish to work in TV drama or animation.

When will I hear if I have been successful or not?

You will find out on the week commencing 17th January 2022 if you have made it through to the assessment/interview stage.

Where will the assessments take place?

The assessments will take place in The Mac Belfast.

When will the assessments take place?

The assessments will take place on the week commencing 7th February 2022.

Who will be assessing me?

Applicants will be assessed by representatives from local independent production companies, Northern Ireland Screen and BBC Northern Ireland.

What are the assessors looking for?

They are looking for individuals with creativity, passion, a keen interest in the television industry and the ability to continually develop and deliver high quality programme ideas.

When will I know if I have been successful after assessment?

If you secure a place on the boot camp we will let you know by the end of the week commencing 14th February 2022.

What is boot camp?

Boot camp is 2 weeks of intensive training. It’s residential and 15 candidates will be invited to take part, however only 10 candidates will make it onto the scheme. The candidates who show the most potential to continually deliver programme ideas, enthusiasm and dedication will be the ones who make it are selected onto the scheme.

What happens at the boot camp?

You’ll be introduced to the craft of storytelling through practical exercises and masterclasses delivered by industry professionals. You’ll also spend time team building, working on group projects and individual tasks, all of which will be assessed by the industry professionals. You will present a group project on the last day of boot camp to help support your assessment.

What happens next if I don’t secure a place on the scheme?

All is not lost, you will have received invaluable training and will have met many industry representatives that will help you in securing work in the future. Previous participants who didn’t make it through, went onto secure jobs in the industry as a result of the training they received during boot camp. Northern Ireland Screen will also signpost unsuccessful participants to independent production companies who may offer to meet them when recruiting for similar roles in the future.

When does boot camp take place?

Boot camp will take place 28th February to 11th March 2022 (inclusive).

Will I get paid whilst attending boot camp?

Yes, you will be paid Real Living Wage whilst attending boot camp.

Do I get to choose the companies I get placed with?

No, we will select which companies you will be placed with.

How long does each placement last?

Each placement lasts 4 months. Occasionally we will extend a placement to a maximum of 6 months if we believe by extending it would benefit both the trainee and the placement company for them to finish a project they are working on.

Who are the mentors?

The mentors are experienced and influential professionals who work in the Northern Ireland screen industry.

Will I get a job at the end of it?

We cannot promise that – but you will definitely be meeting key decision makers within the industry in Northern Ireland. If you stand out and impress them, they might offer you a contract at the end of your training. TV is a notoriously difficult industry to get into, so getting that foot in the door and making contacts really helps.

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