Film and TV Production Restart Scheme
Date Posted: September 17, 2020
On 28 July, the Culture Secretary announced the launch of a Government-backed £500m scheme for UK film and TV productions struggling to get insurance for Covid-related costs.
The Film and TV Production Restart Scheme will help productions across the country that have been halted or delayed by an inability to obtain insurance for Covid-19 related risks to get back up and running, by giving productions the confidence they need that they will be supported if future losses are incurred due to Covid-19.
DCMS and HM Treasury have published the draft Scheme Rules and supplementary Explanatory Notes.
The commencement of the scheme is conditional upon the European Commission providing State Aid approval. The scheme rules are subject to change. The draft documents are therefore not legally binding, and subsequent versions will be uploaded to this page if details change.
The scheme will open for registration in due course. As per the initial announcement, future claims made under the Scheme can be backdated to 28 July 2020.
Following a commercial tendering process, DCMS have appointed Marsh Commercial as the Third Party Administrator for the Scheme. However, until the point that the scheme is officially launched, please refrain from contacting Marsh Commercial for further details or with queries. Further information will be made available shortly.
The registration deadline for this scheme is 23:59 GMT on 31 December 2020, and claims will be able to be submitted up to 23:59 GMT 30 November 2021 for losses incurred up until 23:59 GMT on 30 June 2021.
The scheme will be periodically reviewed to make sure it achieves its objectives to support film and television productions to restart following the impacts of Covid-19.
For more information, click HERE.